Design Specs: Session Cleanup

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session storage


  __PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Session'} = {
              expires   => 3600,
	      dbi_dbh   => 'Schema', 
	      dbi_table => 'sessions',
	      dbi_id_field => 'id',
	      dbi_data_field => 'session_data',
	      dbi_expires_field => 'expires',

note: Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC does not compatible with Session::PerUser plugin.

session cleanup

browser session will expire after 3600 second as set in the config.

logged in user session does not expire

use Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler to automatically clean up expired sessions in a cron-like fashion

this will run at 3am on the first day of every month
  - at  : '0 3 1 * *'   
    event : /cron/remove_sessions