WBConfCall 2022.06.02-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda and Minutes
- Discuss starting using S3/CloudFront instead of FTP/EC2 disk (Adam) - will be on call by (12 PM EST, noon)
- Benefit would be a more scalable and robust frontend
- Where in the process would be most appropriate to add the files to S3
- Proposed modification to ?Paper and ?Person models to change 'Author_first_pass' -> 'ACKnowledge' (part of new funding for community curation project)
Help Desk
gene - person link correction: https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/8658
June 2, Michal Levin: Status of ORFs. Paul D was handling.
Add scRNA Seq Tools to Menu
On staging but not live site.
User survey
Draft of user survey
User SurveyMonkey or another service to create the survey?
Additional topics
Datomic build is complete - hand-over to web team
GSoC students have started this week - thank you for the help to get them started!
Model Changes
- Author_first_pass -> ACKnowledge; we will simply change the display label.
- PN: available now on staging; changing some of the order of things
User Survey
- Everyone: please review
- Shoot for final draft (June 16, 2022)
- Target date to post: June 20, 2022
- Survey closes: at the end of July
- RL: In the past we've done mugs
- RK: Should also note why this is important
Help Desk
- Michal Levin ORFs that Paul Davis was handling; Hinxton is handling
S3 / Cloudfront proposal
- Cloudfront is content delivery system
- S3 for storage, but doesn't support