WBConfCall 2020.08.06-Agenda and Minutes
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Help Desk
- No outstanding issues
New WB tables prototype (Sibyl)
- Earlier this summer, we started rewriting the shared table component that forms the basis of all tables on WormBase website. The motivation was to address limitations to the existing table component, including difficulties creating custom behaviour for individual tables, and relying on Flash technology (which now has poor browser support).
- Hitonari Sato, a student participating in the Google Summer of Code, has been working on this project.
- Here are a series of example tables found in Phenotype, Expression, and Homology widgets of the gene pages: http://dev.wormbase.org:9009/?path=/story/table-widgets-phenotypes-phenotype--daf-8 The left sidebar lets you navigate between different examples.
- Prototype for the table search box--It supports keyword search as well as filtering per property/column: http://dev.wormbase.org:9009/?path=/story/misc-table-filter-combo-box--phenotype-abi-1 Thoughts on that are very appreciated
- This work is still ongoing. Feature, such as links, expandable details, and horizontal scroll on small screens, will be added soon.
New WB tables prototype (Sibyl)
- Change the way all tables work on a look on WormBase
- It's been 10 years since tables have changed, worked on flash technology, which is being phased out. Downloading give browser warnings. Could not interact well with filtering.
- Google Summer of Code student, Hitonari Sato, is working on it. Google pays a very small amount of money to contribute to open source projects. 4 month project, first month is bonding, coding for 3 months. Student works independently, we provide guidance and answer questions.
- We have example tables, will hopefully have all tables ready to try on WormBase soon, right now there's mock-up-looking tables with real data from json queries.
- Live demo of expression, homology, and phenotype. Can sort through columns, pagination, download. Similar functionality to current tables. Added functionality of column resizing, can scroll horizontally on mobile or smaller screens, can collapse tall rows into a grouped row. Future possibility for users to hide columns, reorder columns. Would like to customize table, show-hide some columns, have a separate view to display all data for a selected row.
- WormBase staff, please try it out.
- Filtering functionality is separate from table, so the example looks odd. Can search for typed keyword. Can also filter by selecting from a list of existing objects in tables, as well as empty or non-empty objects. Can use multiple filters, but each filter is independent, so can get combination that doesn't return any matches.
- At some places, the data itself is tokenized, e.g. genus vs species, and searching for just one without the other looks weird, e.g. elegans not having C, and C not being very informative. We're already combining other fields like phenotype IDs + labels.
- Ranjana would like to clean up disease report page using stuff like this.
- Daniela would like the github ticket to stay updated.
- Student had to be knowledgeable about the project to create a proposal in the first place. Hiro had great ability to read code and figure out technical aspects.