WBConfCall 2019.05.16-Agenda and Minutes
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Open helpdesk tickets
Genetics widget throwing error on allele page for mu243
How to search poly(A) RNAs
Helpdesk tickets
Genetics widget throwing error on allele page for mu243
- Adam pushed a fix
How to search poly(A) RNAs
- Gary W. is on it
JBrowse scaling in increments of 10 instead of 125bp
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/7110
- Scott will work on it
NIH thrustworthy data repositories certification
- We are still far from a possible application but we decided to explore the possibility even though we think that the cost might not be worth it - maybe we could be fully compliant without getting the final certification? Chris will put together documentation before starting to work on it
Reminder that the upload is tomorrow
- Everything look good from Caltech side