WBConfCall 2016.06.02-Agenda and Minutes
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Chair: Gary Williams
WS255 models
Freeze date 10th June
Proposals so far:
Additional level of data capture within the Interaction model for Physical Interactions.
?Interaction Interaction_type Physical Protein_protein Protein_DNA Protein_RNA
Mary Ann
Variation, additional Production_method.
Origin Production_method MosDEL
Open Issues
Model Changes
- Paul described the model changes - these are both simple.
- There were no problems found with these.
Variations in Human and Worm
- Ranjana said that Tim Schedl has asked about the status of modelling the same variation in Human and Worm.
- Kevin is working on this in conjunction with Sibyl who is developing a viewer.
- Karen raised the possibility of manual curation being required. This would require further model changes and would be a large task.
- It was felt that further discussion of this should wait until Kevin is back.
- Sibyl said that she would share her work on the viewer with anyone who wanted to see what it looks like.
- Raymond wanted to know when this would go live because he has already updated the Ontology Browser.
- Todd said that is was delayed by a few days.
- Chris is interested in doing some Datomic queries to learn more about it. He wanted to know if there was an equivalent of the ACE models file.
- There is an annotated Models file and a lisp-like file giving details of the tag-names etc. Matt will share the URL for these on the staff mailing list.
Simple Mine
- Raymond asked if anyone had objections to a simple gene data mining tool.
- Nobody objected.
- This will be based on FraqMine.
- Raymond will start a GitHub ticket for people to discuss this project.
TAGC meeting
- Todd wanted to know how large the book of the meeting was.
- It is at least 22 pages - could be more, but less than 30.