WBConfCall 2015.07.16-Agenda and Minutes
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Ticketing System
- Where should we submit internal work tickets
- Should there be a project wide choice
- Doesn't feel that the website/helpdesk system is the natural place....or is it?
- webcode and can attach tickets to code commits for tracking why development was necessary.
- Hinxton have:
- Jira - working to consolidate information here.
- Bitbucket (old washu/sanger retired and in process of migrating into jira
- RT - Sanger worm-bug@sanger.ac.uk - Poss retirement? Effect Caltech paper submissions for Hinxton/UK curators
- GitHub - retired and consolidated into
- Caltech have:
- WormBase wiki?
- Other internal trackers?
- OICR have:
- GitHub main tracking system/HelpDesk
- Other internal trackers?
RNASeq Expression Graphs
- In the IWM, Julie Ahringer expressed a wish for RNASeq expression graphs like Gexplore.
- Gary Williams has been working with Julie to produce graphs using a subset of the modENCODE data.
- When she is satisfied, what is the best way of transferring this work to the Web Team?
- It currently consists of a perl script that queries an acedb database for data from Gene, CDS, Transcript and Pseudogene classes to produce png images.
Naming of cis-regulatory sites
- Tim Schedl brought up last week in response to naming of "rex" sites (Recruitment Elements on X) from Barbara Meyers group
- Do people have strong opinions about how/if we could/should standardize names of sequence features or cis-regulatory elements in particular?
Ticketing System
- Paul Davis - I'm trying to get a feel for what other sites in the project are using - can we consolidate what we use?
- Kevin - GitHub is not designed for tracking general non-code-related tasks.
- Raymond - I would prefer one system used by everyone.
- - we use wiki a lot which is not ideal.
- Todd - GitHub requires creative use of labels. Most issues it tracks tend to be website issues. GitHub could be leveraged a little more.
- Raymond - we should encourage site-spcific projects on GitHub.
- Todd - we pay for GitHub and all our project management should be publicly available.
- Kevin - all the Hinxton code is on GitHub and we use it for code-related tasks, but a lot of our issues are not code-related.
- Todd - using a dummy project means you lose being able to close with a commit.
- Paul Kersey - Jira at Hinxton can be made public - but you will have to login.
- Todd - It should be publicly accessible. It is possible to to make sections visible by default.
- Paul Kersey - I would feel more comfortable with a project management system that is not public.
- Kevin - we would like to consolidate systems. Is there a recommended or agreed way to consolidate?
- Todd - I would be happy to use GitHub and Jira for a while.
- Kevin - if we are to fix on something it should be something we can control.
RNASeq Expression Graphs
- Sibyl and Gary agreed to exchange the code for RNASeq expression graphs, rather than transferring the image data.
Naming of cis-regulatory sites
- Gary explained the current situation where the authors' names for regulatory sites are stored in the Public_name tag of the Features that mark them.
- Chris - if names like 'rex-1' were to be used in a lot of sites it would pollute the namespace.
- Raymond - we have unique identifiers - they are the Feature IDs.
- Xiaodong - we only show the public name on the browser.
- Chris - users are not going to search for the WBsf number ID.
- Raymond - is it necessary to have an official name? Use the full name like "Recruitment Elements on X" in the Public_name tag.
- Paul Sternberg - we should have a plan in place. Maybe we should look at what other people are doing.
Wormbook Chapters
- Paul Sternberg - could I have a resume of where people are with the Wormbook Chapter? Mary Ann has submitted. I am waiting for the other chapters before writing the Introduction.
- Xiaodong - maybe we should just email you.
- Kevin - In the "instructions for authors" there are requirements for figure formatting. Is this necessary for the review process?
- Paul Sternberg - it should be done now. The review should be quite quick.