Expression Pattern

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OA interface

  • Pgdbid - postgres database ID, generates automatically upon entry.
  • Expr_pattern - same as in interaction
      • no Expr_pattern ID is generated by clicking on 'new'. when 'duplicate', the ID from old entry will be in the field, but need to be deleted in order to get an new ID.
      • Expr_pattern ID will be assigned by cronjob daily at 4 am.
  • Reference - WBPaperID paper ontology -
  • Contact - Multiontology on people. N.B. when you have more than one Contact be aware on how to name the folder that stores pictures. As a general rule the folder should always be called after the first person inserted.
  • Description - Figure legend (bigtext)
  • Source - Multiontology from file picture_source on Tazendra (
  • Cropped_From - Multiontology on source then WBPicture name/ID. Show on Term Info name/ID, source, reference.
  • Expr_pattern - source file in Tazendra: /home/acedb/draciti/ExprWS221.ace. In term info we'd like to see Gene, Pattern, Reference, Reporter_gene, Life_stage Anatomy_term, GO_term. Autocomplete just on Expr_pattern ID.
  • Remark - bigtext
  • Cellular component - multiontology of GO_Term like gop_goid. source file in Tazendra: /home/acedb/draciti/ExprWS221.ace.
  • Anatomy term - multiontology. Should work like app_anat_term. source file in Tazendra: /home/acedb/draciti/ExprWS221.ace. File that has Anatomy_term <-> anatomy name association is*checkout*/Wao/WBbt.obo (previously was but became obsolete 02-11-2011 DR)
  • URL_Accession - text
  • Person - Multiontology on people
  • Person_text - free text. The person text was created for cases when we want to acknowledge people that are not WBPersons. Note on the .ace file for Person and Person_name: join all <pic_person> objects's starndard names with commas, then comma, then <pic_persontext> text. If there's no <pic_persontext>: join all person objects's standard names with commas, except for the last one, which is joined by "<comma> and ". Daniela remember for curation when you enter a text in the person text you should do the following: If it is a single entity in the text write e.g. "and Paul Sternberg's lab" if there are multiple entities e.g. summer student 1 (non WBPerson), summer student 2 (non WBPerson), and summer student 3 (non WBPerson) write "John Smith, George Brown, and Mike Lee". It is constructed in this way otherwise the syntax would have been too complicated
  • Life_stage - like in the phenotype OA
  • Curator - Multiontology on people
  • No dump - Toggle