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Mapping of current ?Paper Type to new ?Paper Type:

Note: all ?Paper Types are listed, even if there is no change to the text. However, new or changed Types are in bold, with new Types having no mapping.

In PubMed, Type information is found in the following tag, using a News entry as an example:


Here's the list, CURRENT TYPE -> New_type

ARTICLE -> Journal_article

REVIEW -> Review

COMMENT -> Comment

NEWS -> News

LETTER -> Letter

EDITORIAL -> Editorial

CONGRESSES -> Congresses



INTERVIEW -> Interview

LECTURES -> Lectures

INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL -> Interactive_tutorial




MONOGRAPH -> Monograph

ERRATUM -> Published_erratum

CORRECTION -> Published erratum

MEETING ABSTRACT -> Meeting_abstract

GAZETTE ABSTRACT -> Gazette_abstract

BOOK CHAPTER -> Book_chapter


EMAIL -> Email

WORMBOOK -> Wormbook

OTHER -> Other

Types being removed:

COMMUNICATION - currently no papers with this Type

NOTE - currently no papers with this Type

ADDENDUM - one paper (WBPaper00005185) with this Type; changed to ARTICLE (will become Journal_article)