WBConfCall 2023.10.19-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
Agenda and Minutes
Help Desk
- helping curating with students - Andrea Scharf https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/9348
Synopsis - She discussed with us at the meeting (after the workshop) about using undergrads to curate..she now has interested undergrads.
- Daniela and Juancarlos will update the Picture dumper so that link outs to Article pages will go through DOI other than publisher's website.
- Example of a page with link outs here: /species/all/expr_pattern/Expr11339#012--10
- item 1
- item 2
- Kimberly (the fall GO meeting conflicts with our WB call today. If the GO meeting finishes early, I'll join the WB call)