WBConfCall 2023.07.06-Agenda and Minutes
Stavros - clashing school meeting announced this morning. I may not be able to attend or will join late...
Outstanding issues:
- New widget/section on how to cite WormBase
- Issue with ASNS-1 (started at Hixton, then bounced to CalTech)
- Landing page for papers that have not been uploaded yet
Next Help Desk Officer -Karen, July 10th-24th.
New staff member - WormBase ParaSite
Steph Brown joined the WBPS team last week. She's based in Matt Berriman's group in Glasgow. Welcome to the team Steph!
WB AWS EC2 instance for WBPS Web Apollo is down
This is the server hosting WBPS's Apollo instances for our user communities on this URL: http://apollo-test.wormbase.org:8080/apollo/annotator/index Slack discussion: https://wormbase.slack.com/archives/C6GJ97BL2/p1688463613605809 WB WebApollo set-up documentation: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/WORMBASE/WormBase+Apollo+Instances
Brief JBrowse update
Lots of docs added to the blog: https://blog.wormbase.org/tags/jbrowse2/
On staging:
- Added links to the Alliance for all N2 genes
- In JBrowse 1, a click on a gene now pops up a dialog offering to got to either AGR or WB
- in JBrowse 2, a click on a gene brings up the details frame that has links to AGR, WB and JBrowse 1
- Added the CRISPR tracks from JB1 to JB2
- Example JBrowse 2 view: https://staging.d2jjb0xowet5mr.amplifyapp.com/?session=share-sGGM_%2FEuD%2F&password=1E6tU
Scott can roll these changes out to production with a minimum of fuss.