WBConfCall 2023.04.06-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
Agenda and Minutes
Help Desk
- Please double-check any tickets assigned to you and close, if you can
- Check unassigned tickets that still need a claimant, if possible, or perhaps a priority rating?
IWM Meeting
- Planning for the WB workshop
- Need some separate meetings for this?
- TH: who’s attending? Do we have travel funds available?
New items
- WB needs Genes from nameserver, which is on AWS, so need creds or AMI ?
- TH
- I will give a post-mortem of the recent credential leak at the next conference call.
- The preferred and recommended way to do this would be via an assumed role, not dedicated AWS CLI credentials.
- I think you mean instance? AMIs are images of instances. IMHO a stand-alone instance is overkill, and already have instances available to run a cron.
- TH