WBConfCall 2021.04.01-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
Help Desk
- Karen handing over to Wen
- As of 12:098 BST all helpdesk tickets are being dealt with or closed, except github ticket #8156 - needs a reply from textpresso group (Valerio will take care of it)
- Erich highlighted the deprecation of the ftp protocol in some browsers as an issue.
- Made him aware of the issue and suggested WB can't really do much about the ftp protocol security.
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/8156
Agenda and Minutes
1st item
WB Paper Data to Alliance
Agreement to export data from postgres to Alliance; only dumping paper data (bibliographical info, author objects, eventually person objects, eventually flags-and-tags data that doesn't make it into acedb). We loose foreign characters in acedb, so we'll be able to keep those in postgres and pass them on to Alliance.