WBConfCall 2020.02.06-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
Advisory Board Meeting
any dates/etc.?
RNASeq Meta-Data for AGR
what are the plans?
- The EWG (high-throughput) has been discussing what kind of meta-data information to include for AGR 3.0. We will probably finalize the information table next Monday. Here is the meta-data table that we are looking at:
Help Desk
- Alaska memory bug?
Is there a link from WormBase to Alaska, and an announcement about its function?
WormBase resources for non-coding RNA
- Is it possible that Hinxton gives Caltech a tutorial on what kind of curation and resources that WormBase has for non-coding RNA? It will be very helpful for us to answer help-desk questions and future on-site tutorials. A zoom meeting will be good.
CalTech F2F meeting
- Need PS for this, but not on the call
- Can teleconference for the grant and NIH
- What do people want? Project meeting?
- AceDB datomic? - what do we want to do.
- Would be good to get together, could have a documentation session
- Punt this to the next call
- Have document of things to discuss as a group.
- What don't we want to discuss?
- Same room: Technical direction for the alliance Also curation priorities. Rebalancing what to prioritise, to produce a revised plan.
July 2018 OICR last one
Aim for F2F by June 2020 - California or alternative.
Doodle for meeting dates - April / May
Doc for agenda/topics
RNASeq meta data
- Mentioned in the DQM
- currently curated at both HX and CalTech
- Need to have a working procedure.
- Been through the whole table...almost have finalised schema - would be good to have the schema in the database
- Deadline for V3 was last friday, but poss can add data in.
- Wen will comunicate with Hinxton.
- Project to J & Raymond working with Post Doc and UG student
- Post Doc moved on not sure of student support
- Not in state where WB can take it on?
- WB only getting bugs as Joseph put help@wormbase.org as contact
- Premature to release and link to WB.
RNA resources
Wen - added, not confident about answering HD issues. Chris will be giving a talk so background would be good.
HelpDesk questions should be answering by HX
- Onsite meetings - Would be good to have knowledge provided to CalTech
- Some summarisation in the grant application.
- HX could create a tutorial with help from others about data mining etc.
- Persue feedback to drill down
- linking data types to references
- Follow with a blog
Open Floor
- WormBase approached by Frank Schroeder + Others about having Molecules that don't have chemical structures
but do have Chem formula and retention times and MS peaks
- Karen working with this
- Molecule model update to store this.
- PD will help with model
- Retention times will need in-relation-to markers so all 4 groups will work from common protocols
- Questions people will want to know is what is there in the rel retention range that has these peaks
- People aren't going to synthesize and work out all 20k compounds
- Storage 1st then mining and analysis tools.
- Groups are competing so would be good for WB to bring data together
Widget feedback
- Adam - Several widgets are being developed to replace existing function
- Homology
- more widgets
To make comments on open tickets on the github for these.