WBConfCall 2018.07.05-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
- Data types / tools documents
- Are they finished?
- How to collate and distribute?
- Project meeting
- Proposed start time 9.30am
- Where?
SAB meeting
- Project meeting will start at 9.30am
- Sibyl will add location information--building name, room number, how to get visitor badges, etc.
- Karen will collate and print the data type and tools documents for the SAB, deadline to freeze documents is 07.06.2018 noon PDT
- Karen will send e-mail to Sibyl, and Sibyl will print at site of meeting
- Kevin will reorganize the wiki page, decision was to not have a separate 'Tools and Displays' section and to absorb these topics under the relevant sections
Talks at project meeting
- 5 mins per talk/person
- No need to talk about everything that a person does - mostly for highlights, issues; point is to generate discussion
- Total time will be roughly 3.5 hours