WBConfCall 2017.02.02-Agenda and Minutes
Please note, conference call number has changed. Please refer to the email about the new conference call info.
Help desk tickets
| Someone asks where they can find earthworm sequence
| Someone would like to have their papers added and connect to their person page
AGR updates
AGR working group updates
UI Working Group
UI working group has formed with representatives from almost each MODs.
Tasks has been divided among members, right now working on Basic gene info and Orthology with respective working groups. Created test display using mocked data for now, before the data is ready.
Disease Working Group
Nearly finalized for data exchange: DAF (flat file)
Working mock up for display, will send out to UI and architecture group when ready (has been sent out to quartermaster WG). Will start with a simpler display first to avoid confusing the technical people and user.
Working group agrees for now to use Model_of on alleles, use Cause or Contributes_to on gene when associating phenotypes.
- Q: Will vocabulary be shown in display?
- A: No. Translation can happen at display level to make a more user-friendly vocabulary, instead of the data modelling vocabulary.
Current data modelling steps:
- Disease WG defines data requirements in DAF
- Data quartermaster WG turn DAF requirements into JSON specification that individual MODs need to supply
- Architecture WG turn the JSON spec into another JSON spec of the API
IWM2017 Workshop
- People have put up suggestion for topics. Great!
- Please put your names beside the topic if you are volunteer to give a talk