Acceptance to first-pass
The responsible party is noted before each step.
Genetics (1) The paper gets accepted.
Genetics (2) A DOI is assigned to the paper
Genetics (3) A WBPaperID and URL are acquired through the ticketing form at:
Genetics (4) The WBPaperID from the ticket issuer is attached to the XML and
Genetics (5) the author is sent the generated URL to access the author form
Author (6) Authors provide the final source files and fills out of the author first pass form within 24 hours of acceptance to GENETICS .
- Author data populates journal first-pass tables in postgres, new objects made available to Arun.
- New object data from the journal first-pass form is sent to Karen, who makes sure the information goes to the appropriate data curator for acedb object creation.
- All other data populates author first-pass tables and paper is placed in the pipeline for first-pass curation (Juancarlos will make a filter so these papers will be prioritized for first-pass).
Dartmouth (~5-8) GENETICS sends the final source file (in XML format) to Arun
Arun (8) runs the markup. DOI information task??? The linking program links all the objects in wormbase and the ones provided by the author first pass form and sends back the linked XML.
Juancarlos (~9) gets XML from Arun, populates bibliography information for WormBase.
Arun (10) sends markup back to authors and to Tim for quality control