WormBase Model:Clone
Curator Comments/Description
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ?Clone class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?Clone Evidence #Evidence Remark General_remark ?Text Y_remark ?Text PCR_remark ?Text Position Map ?Map XREF Clone #Map_position pMap UNIQUE ?Contig XREF Clone UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // pMap units are bands Clone_left_end ?Sequence // filled by XREF Clone_right_end ?Sequence // filled by XREF Pos_neg_data ?Pos_neg_data Positive Positive_gene ?Gene XREF Positive_clone Positive_variation ?Variation XREF Positive_clone ?Author Inside_rearr ?Rearrangement XREF Clone_inside ?Author Hybridizes_to ?Clone XREF Positive_probe ?Grid Hybridizes_weak ?Clone XREF Pos_probe_weak ?Grid Positive_probe ?Clone XREF Hybridizes_to ?Grid Pos_probe_weak ?Clone XREF Hybridizes_weak ?Grid Negative Negative_gene ?Gene XREF Negative_clone Negative_locus ?Locus XREF Negative_clone ?Author Outside_rearr ?Rearrangement XREF Clone_outside ?Author Negative_probe ?Clone XREF Does_not_hybridize_to ?Grid Does_not_hybridize_to ?Clone XREF Negative_probe ?Grid In_strain ?Strain XREF Clone Sequence ?Sequence XREF Clone PCR_product ?PCR_product XREF Clone Length Seq_length UNIQUE Int // bp Gel_length UNIQUE Float // Kb Location ?Laboratory #Lab_Location URL Text // to link to MRC_geneservice website ar2 Gridded ?Grid Grid_data ?Grid_data FingerPrint Gel_Number UNIQUE Int Approximate_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Exact_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Funny_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Canonical_for ?Clone UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // start and stop offsets from self start Bands UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int Gel ?Motif #Lane // Magic tag2 construct Contig9 Chromosome UNIQUE ?Map Vaxmap UNIQUE Float In_Situ UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // percent of physical chromosome Cosmid_grid Canon_for_cosmid Flag UNIQUE Int Autopos Expression_construct Pattern ?Text // archaic Reference ?Paper XREF Clone cDNA_group Contains ?Clone XREF Contains Text Contained_in ?Clone XREF Contained_in Best_match UNIQUE ?Text Expr_pattern ?Expr_pattern XREF Clone Sequence_status Shotgun UNIQUE DateType Finished UNIQUE DateType Accession_number UNIQUE Text DB_info Database ?Database ?Database_field UNIQUE ?Accession_number XREF Clone // added [031120 krb] Type UNIQUE Cosmid // 000824 Lincoln's additions to segregate clones Fosmid // added 06/12/01 by krb for dl YAC cDNA Plasmid Other Text // added to catch all clones 011017 dl Transgene ?Transgene XREF Clone Derived_from ?Clone
Proposed Changes
unused tags
Class contents WS242
215788 Objects/Object references. (removed a few of these while creating report)
15355 Don Moerman 1738 C. elegans genomic
17887 Cosmids -> Cosmid Tag 5548 Other elegans cosmids 7 Other clones C. elegans? 2 BACs clones C. elegans?
142175 Yugi Kohara EST clone objects. 2590 Stratagene ESTs CEE* CEM* 1380 OST 1645 Chris Martin C. elegans EST project cm* 40 UofArizona WASHU C. elegans EST project ca* 326 Unknown EST project CES* 48 Cadmium Response gene ESTs DDRT* VL*
20256 sjj PCR product clone 2152 Other plasmids 289 from Expression_patterns 1774 C. elegans genomic? 99 Variety of sources Fire Vector Kit etc. 33 Not specified via plasmid but created via XREF from Positive_gene
8850 C. elegans YACs
934 Potential C. elegans Fingerprinted cosmids/fosmids/YACs no type specified. 1 C. elegans BAC clone 1 C. elegans genomic clone of unknown origin 1 Clone for the MTCE genome 114 YAC_BRIDGE clones?? 119 fUL# clones created by Expr_pattern XREF 24 Odd pieces of cibble
Data to be removed:
17 Created via Positive_gene (All cloned genes, so can probably go)
AddGene vector model extensions
I have been working on importing the AddGene data that Chris was given quite some time ago. This has become more pressing since caltech literature curators are starting to utilise these vectors in their curation. I have also picked up additional Fire vector kit vectors from various kit releases during the 90s.
I have made test data available here: FTP_file_link
To accommodate this data I propose the following tag additions to the ?Clone model.
?Clone Evidence #Evidence Species UNIQUE ?Species Reference ?Paper XREF Clone # Produced_by Person ?Person # Author ?Author Sequence ?Sequence XREF Clone Remark General_remark ?Text Y_remark ?Text PCR_remark ?Text Position Map ?Map XREF Clone #Map_position pMap UNIQUE ?Contig XREF Clone UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // pMap units are bands Clone_left_end ?Sequence // filled by XREF Clone_right_end ?Sequence // filled by XREF Pos_neg_data ?Pos_neg_data Positive Positive_gene ?Gene XREF Positive_clone Positive_variation ?Variation XREF Positive_clone ?Author Inside_rearr ?Rearrangement XREF Clone_inside ?Author Hybridizes_to ?Clone XREF Positive_probe ?Grid Hybridizes_weak ?Clone XREF Pos_probe_weak ?Grid Positive_probe ?Clone XREF Hybridizes_to ?Grid Pos_probe_weak ?Clone XREF Hybridizes_weak ?Grid Negative Negative_gene ?Gene XREF Negative_clone Negative_locus ?Locus XREF Negative_clone ?Author Outside_rearr ?Rearrangement XREF Clone_outside ?Author Negative_probe ?Clone XREF Does_not_hybridize_to ?Grid Does_not_hybridize_to ?Clone XREF Negative_probe ?Grid In_strain ?Strain XREF Clone # Mutation ?Text PCR_product ?PCR_product XREF Clone # Primer1 ?Text # Primer2 ?Text # Resistence_marker ?Text Length Seq_length UNIQUE Int // bp Gel_length UNIQUE Float // Kb # Insert UNIQUE Int # Backbone UNIQUE Int Location ?Laboratory #Lab_Location URL Text // to link to MRC_geneservice website ar2 Gridded ?Grid Grid_data ?Grid_data FingerPrint Gel_Number UNIQUE Int Approximate_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Exact_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Funny_Match_to UNIQUE ?Clone XREF Canonical_for Canonical_for ?Clone UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // start and stop offsets from self start Bands UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int Gel ?Motif #Lane // Magic tag2 construct Contig9 Chromosome UNIQUE ?Map Vaxmap UNIQUE Float In_Situ UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int // percent of physical chromosome Cosmid_grid Canon_for_cosmid Flag UNIQUE Int Autopos Expression_construct Pattern ?Text // archaic cDNA_group Contains ?Clone XREF Contains Text Contained_in ?Clone XREF Contained_in Best_match UNIQUE ?Text Expr_pattern ?Expr_pattern XREF Clone Sequence_status Shotgun UNIQUE DateType Finished UNIQUE DateType Accession_number UNIQUE ?Text DB_info Database ?Database ?Database_field ?Accession_number XREF Clone // added [031120 krb] Type UNIQUE Cosmid // 000824 Lincoln's additions to segregate clones Fosmid // added 06/12/01 by krb for dl YAC cDNA Plasmid Other Text // added to catch all clones 011017 dl Transgene ?Transgene XREF Clone # Vector_type ?Text # Derived_from ?Clone XREF Parent_of # Parent_of ?Clone XREF Derived_from # Ligation ?Text
New tags: To capture the PI name associated with the AddGene submission. Produced_by Person ?Person Author ?Author // Will be auto-populated
Mutation ?Text // This is an AddGene field
Primer1 ?Text // If primers are available the name of the primer is captured
Primer2 ?Text // If primers are available the name of the primer is captured
Resistance_marker ?Text //AddGene field for Resistance genes being carried
Length Insert UNIQUE Int // capture length/size of Insert Backbone UNIQUE Int // capture length/size of Vector Backbone
Vector_type ?Text // The majority of the AddGene vectors are classified by a Type field
Ligation ?Text // This is commonly used and sometimes used as a primary reference
Add the XREF + new tag: Derived_from ?Clone XREF Parent_of // This allows a simple hierarchy Parent_of ?Clone XREF Derived_from