WBConfCall 2013.02.21-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
- WS237 models sign-off declaration
- WS236 release April the 6th
- WS237 models sign-off declaration, Kevin tagged the models- good to go
- Upload March 1st
- Panagrellus genome status -> Still no sequence data
- Michael: How about Steinernema? Paul S: will be in next
- Discussion on how to display Ascaris additional assembly. New Ascaris assembly available on WS236. We should have a landing page -e.g. under species menu. Show both assemblies. Advertise other species genomes on blog/news.
- Discussion on giving WormBase IDs for other species. Michael P: for people tend to use genebank IDs is not obvious to map/search.
- Oligo set mapping will be in for 237
- Ranjana brought up thet the Cele_ prefix was breaking few scripts here at Caltech. Those are NCBI locus tag prefixes, they are listed as other name. Will not affect anything and the things at Caltech have been fixed already.