WBConfCall 2024.12.19-Agenda and Minutes
From WormBaseWiki
Agenda & Minutes
All questions addressed.
Caltech data freeze on 1/7/2025. Hinxton will start the WS296 build on 1/13/2025
Model change for WS296
- In the ?GO_annotation model, I've proposed to change the ?Text field in the Annotation_extension_relation fields to an ?RO_term. (Kimberly)
- https://github.com/WormBase/wormbase-pipeline/issues/271
- This may require changes to the annotation extensions display in the GO widget.
- Paolo and Todd - would you like a separate ticket for the web display work?
- Will also need to add Xenbase ?Database object and a new ?Analysis object for ComplexPortal
- Stavros will release a WS296 schema on 12/19. Wen will swap citace on 12/20 so Caltech can use the new schema to test their ace files.
- Caltech need to submit Analysis objects to geneace because Analysis is not dumped from citace.
Alliance Webinars
- https://www.alliancegenome.org/alliance-event-calendar
- Kimberly will speak on 1/16/2025 (Thu.) at 9 am PST/12 noon EST about Textpresso.
- Wen will post the webinar page to the Worm FB group and Slack channel. Wen will write to Howie and David Shaw to post the webinar page on the Alliance front page.
- We have the Alliance User Support Group (David Shaw & Carol & representatives from each MOD) in charge of outreach.
Upcoming Meetings
- ISB at The Stowers Institute, Apr 5-9, 2025, Kansas City, MO, https://www.stowers.org/events/biocuration2025
- Kimberly, Valerio, Daniela, Karen, and Ranjana will attend ISB.
- IWM 2025 at UC-Davis, 6/28-7/2, 2025.
- Ranjana will apply for the workshop in January.
- Daniela cannot go so another WB staff should apply for a booth.