2018 Advisory Board Meeting
The 2018 edition of the WormBase project meeting / Scientific Advisory Board meeting will take place at OICR on 12/13 July 2018.
- Enter OICR through the entrance at West Tower 5th floor (where the receptionist is located).
- Meeting room: West Tower 6-11 and 6-12 (The rooms by the stairs on the the 6th floor, upstairs from the Receptionist)
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research MaRS Centre 661 University Avenue, Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario Canada, M5G 0A3
- Hinxton
- Matt Berriman, Kevin Howe, Michael Paulini, Paul Davis, Gary Williams, Matt Russell, Faye Rodgers
- Caltech
- Chris Grove, Kimberly Van Auken, Raymond Lee, Karen Yook, Paul Sternberg, Wen Chen, Ranjana Kishore, Juancarlos Chan, Marie-Claire Harrison
- Lincoln Stein, Todd Harris, Adam Wright, Paulo Nuin, Sibyl Gao
Presentation slides, drafts, etc
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/161gEkCTxIAy22iVm1gRWmhYu_yhavMf6
- Login with WormBase account to edit.
Project meeting
Agenda (tentative)
- 0900: Coffee
- 0930: Lightning talks 1
- 1045: Break
- 1100: Lightning talks 2
- 1215: Lunch (we grab our own lunch)
- 1330: Lightning talks 3
- 1445: Break
- 1500: Discussion session
- 1700 (or whenever): Close
Lightning talks
--5 minutes per person with 5 minutes discussion 10 x 20 = ~3.5 hours
- Paul Davis -- CGC, Variants and Strains
- Kevin Howe -- WormBase -> AGR dataflow
- Michael Paulini -- WormBase Data @ Other Resources [ENA UCSC NCBI UniProt EnsEMBL]
- Faye Rodgers -- The IRIS whipworm annotation project - status and lessons learned
- Gary Williams -- Curation and analysis of nematode RNASeq data
- Chris Grove -- Community phenotype curation
- Kimberly Van Auken -- gene function annotation using GO and GO-CAM modeling; new AFP (Author First Pass) pipeline
- Raymond Lee -- ontology tools etc.
- Karen Yook -- making more use of microPublication
- Daniela Raciti (Wen Chen) -- expression pattern
- Wen Chen -- microarray, expression cluster, SPELL, SimpleMine
- Ranjana Kishore -- Automated gene descriptions, Disease models
- Juancarlos Chan -- curation forms
- Paul Sternberg -- Transcriptional Regulation, what we need to do
- Todd Harris -- The Four Ages of WormBase
- Adam Wright -- New REST API and modernizing production deployment with Docker and AWS services
- Paulo Nuin
- Sibyl Gao -- Website updates and plans;, Name server UI
- Matt Russell -- Using Datomic for curation data capture (Name server project)
Discussion session
- Database migration project
- Datomic migration status
- How can we dovetail with the Alliance infrastructure work?
- Plans for using Datomic in curation(?)
- What processes/tools should we centralise in the Alliance?
- Curation tools?
- WormMine?
- Pathways
- GO-CAM, microPublication, Vsualization
Thursday dinner for staff and SAB member
Evening, Thursday July 12 6pm at Reds Midtown Tavern (Gerrard and Yonge).
382 Yonge Street, Unit 6 Toronto ON M5B 1S8
- Valerie Wood - PomBase
- Mary Shimoyama - RGD
- Ann Rougvie
- Brian Oliver
- Gary Bader
- Brent Derry
- Mei Zhen
- John Calarco
- Oliver Hobert
- Julie Ahringer
- Andrew Chisholm
- Mike Cherry
0800 Arrival / coffee
0830 Overview of Project, Funding, The Alliance, Big Picture, Issues, Outreach -- Paul Sternberg
questions: What new data types (and data) are coming soon? (e.g. single cell sequencing, metabolomics, nerual ciruits) How can we better serve our communities? How can we do better outreach? How can we better relate C. elegans knowledge to human genetics and health. How can we improve our community input to curation? How do best take advantage of current flux at NIH with respct to data science and funding? How should we proceed with datomic migration, given the Alliance?
0900 Dataflow and backend: status and plans -- Kevin Howe
0945 Curation: status and plans -- Chris Grove
1030 break
1100 Website: Overview; Community; Architecture -- Todd Harris
1115 Evolving the website architecture -- Sibyl Gao
1125 The Datomic architecture and devops at WormBase -- Adam Wright
1135 WormMine -- Paulo Nuin
1140 WormBase ParaSite - Faye Rodgers
1150 Ontology Browsing -- Raymond Lee
1200 lunch (Catering, vegan option available)
1300 SAB discussion
1430 Feedback, and Discussion
1630 conclude