WBConfCall 2023.08.03-Agenda and Minutes
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Open tickets
- genetics tab on WormBase freezing. - Discuss
- Hi, My contact emails on Wormbase are... - Where is this user seeing the out-of-date information?
- Hello, I want to find a promoter sequ... - Closed - thank you, Stavros!
- Hi, I'm querying Wormbase via the Swa... - Closed - thanks, Todd!
- New external links for connectome display - Raymond, can you confirm all is working as expected? Yes. They are working now.
- Server Error: 500 at rest/widget/all/static-widg... - Paolo, Todd - can this be closed?
WS290 Build
- Any issues that have come up and need to be discussed?
[Karen] How do I deal with non-elegans gene names that are used in genetics and microPublication articles. Do we assign public-names. eg Ctr-dpy-10, Cni-dpy-18?
do we assign public names to other species? Should I tell the authors to not use them?
On call: Andres, Dio, Jae, Juancarlos, Karen, Kimberly, Michael, Paolo, Ranjana, Raymond, Scott, Stavros, Steph, Todd, Valerio