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  scp var_phen.ace citace@spica.caltech.edu:/home/citace/Data_for_citace/Data_from_Karen
  scp var_phen.ace citace@spica.caltech.edu:/home/citace/Data_for_citace/Data_from_Karen

Revision as of 18:15, 16 August 2010


Dumping Phenote into .ace file

The phenote-> .ace dump script is called ./use_package.pl and is on tazendra in /home/acedb/work/allele_phenotype. This script takes about 10 minutes and will create two files: ‘allele_phenotype.ace.<date> and err.out.<date>. NOTE: these files will accumulate over time so make sure to clear them out every once in a while.

:ssh acedb@tazendra.caltech.edu 

Can open err.out to see if any errors were generated during the dump process. Errors should be indicated at the top of the form.

New allele_phenotype.ace and err.out files will be created as noted by date at the end of each. Send them to your computer e.g. ace_dump on scoobydoo changing name to var_phen.ace:

: scp allele_phenotype.ace.20080407 yook@scoobydoo.caltech.edu:/Users/Yook/WS_latest/ace_dump/var_phen.ace

Dumping allele_paper connections into .ace file

is at :

Run it by going to that directory and redirecting output to a file

./get_paper_object.pl > file 

If there are errors, which is rare, they will look something like:

// ERR 
There's an object that has no name and no type, but still has a paper.

It has postgres database ID 2712 testdb=> SELECT * FROM app_tempname WHERE joinkey = '2712'; joinkey | app_tempname  
(0 rows) testdb=> SELECT * FROM app_tempname_hst WHERE joinkey = '2712'; joinkey | app_tempname_hst | app_timestamp 
(0 rows) testdb=> SELECT * FROM app_paper WHERE joinkey = '2712'; joinkey | app_paper | app_timestamp 
2712 | WBPaper00002087 | 2006-07-11 11:52:20.208295-07 (1 row) Here's all the data for it when it got migrated 
from the  CGI  

:INSERT INTO app_curator VALUES ('2712', 'WBcurator48', '2006-07-11 11:52:20.207047-07');

INSERT INTO app_paper VALUES ('2712', 'WBPaper00002087', '2006-07-11 11:52:20.208295-07'); INSERT INTO app_phen_remark 
VALUES  ('2712', 'Defects in dye filling.', '2006-07-11 11:52:20.209819-07'); INSERT INTO app_term VALUES ('2712',  
'WBPhenotype0000255',  '2006-07-11 11:52:20.209088-07');

Testing Phenote .ace for upload

Evaluate how the uploaded data impacts WB by comparing object numbers before and after data upload. This means that you need access to the latest WS and have the means to edit the WS to read the .ace dump.

Test file locally on Acedb

This step is to test two things: First, that the file is readable. Second, that the file does not alter any objects it shouldn’t.

Launch local acedb:

$ cd Desktop/acedb
$ ./xace /Users/Yook/WS_latest/WS188 

Comparing data builds: From the latest build, record

  1. Number strain objects
  2. Number life stage objects
  3. Number anatomy terms
  4. Number variation'-phenotype connection'
use either AQL query:
select all class variation where exists_tag ->phenotype select p, p-> variation from p in class 
phenotype where exists_tag  p->variation 
5. Number variations that are alleles:

use WQL

find variation variation_type=allele

or AQL

select a from a in class variation where exists_tag a->allele 
6. Number alleles with a phenotype

Find all alleles with a phenotype

select v from v in class variation where exists_tag v->phenotype

Check that the .ace dump file is readable:

to load in .ace dump

Select ‘Edit..‘ ‘Read .ace file’,  Accept change in write privileges,  Select ‘Open ace file’,  Find and select file to open,  Select ‘Read all’

If the .ace file is okay, then 100% of the lines will have been read in. This will be noted in the second line called ‘Line:’. If the dump produced a bad file, the read in will stop at the point where the problem occurred. You can go to that line in the .ace file and check it out.

Check that the file does not alter any objects it shouldn’t:

Once .ace dump is loaded in to acedb,  redo counts for all objects as above. Compare object numbers between latest database and new .ace file to make sure data in the dump looks reasonable, i.e., no lost data or inflated numbers.

Uploading .ace for Wen into Citace

Deposit .ace for Wen in citace:

scp var_phen.ace citace@spica.caltech.edu:/home/citace/Data_for_citace/Data_from_Karen